S.S. 13.3 By Angie

Land speculators means people who bought large amounts of land in hopes of making profit.

Denominations organized religious groups with similar beliefs.

Circuit Riders are also called treveling preachers.

Academies are schools that offer classes at high school level.

Théodore Gentilz was born in Paris and was a well known artist.

The cousin of Steven F. Austin's name was Henry Austin.

Doctors, bankers, silversmiths, and shopkeepers, were more found in larger cities.

The roads were bad back in the day so many traveled on boats.

The first steamboat in Texas was called Ariel.

In Texas there were lots of famous songs, an example is "Yankee Doodle".


Created with images by Falkenpost - "houston big city usa" • trudi - "austin texas architecture" • janetrr - "flag texas flag texas" • JD Hancock - "Orange Appeal" • skeeze - "horses ranch running" • longhorndave - "How Now Brown Cow"

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