The life of William Shakespeare By : Brandice Cole

William Shakespeare was born in April of 1564. There is no specific date because the only important date was the date of baptism. He was born and raised in the village of Stratford-upon-Avon in Warwickshire. His father was John Shakespeare and his mother was Mary Arden. Shakespeare's entire family was Anglican. Their financial situation was well off. He was well educated in school where he studied Latin and Greek. Shakespeare later married Anne Hathaway in 1582. He was only 18 years of age, while she was 26. The exact wedding date is uncertain; however, the wedding certificate was issued on November 27, 1582. William and Anne's first child was Susanna, followed by the birth of twins, Hamnet and Judith.


The first recognition of Shakespeare's existence in London was in 1592, when he was in his late twenties. Shakespeare rose quickly in the theater as both an actor and an author. He joined the Lord Chamberlin's Men, an acting company which was protected by the Queen, and later became a shareholder and senior member in 1595. Since he was very successful in London, he was able to buy New Place, the largest and most elegant house in his home town of Stratford, when he was in his early thirties (1597). Shakespeare also became part owner of the famous Globe theater when it opened in 1599. His share of the company's management added heavily to his wealth.

Shakespeare helped bring the Renaissance freedom, humanity, and rebirth of appreciation of classical antiquity to the English theater. The English language was widely used but not very complex. Shakespeare created new words and expressions that enabled English to become a much more precise artistic instrument. His creations are still used today such as; eyeball and "Get your money's worth" . We can learn from Shakespeare that it is okay to express your ideas because they have the power to evolve our everyday life.



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