Florida Museum of Natural History By Robert Everett

Beach Exhibit

Nature on Display: I found this exhibit especially appealing because it is of the beach and the beach is my happy place. I love the beach so much that I may even consider it my Walden. It captured my attention because it reminded me of a beach my family and I used to go to in Yankeetown, Florida (real place I promise). What I learned about the natural world that I wouldn't have through another medium was that everything in nature is different. I have been to so many beaches in my life but this exhibit only brought back memories of one particular beach. I think this exhibit really emphasized the beauty of how nature is always changing and always presents us with a new experience. The thing I found most enjoyable about the museum was its diversity. It had so many different things from so many different time periods and I really enjoyed comparing all of the different exhibits.

Frog Exhibit: There is a big frog in the bottom of this picture.

Nature and Ethics: As much as I liked the Natural History Museum I do not think it provided me the opportunity to experience nature in the way Leopold recommends. Leopold says that we should love and respect the land and try and be apart of the "biotic community" but in the frog exhibit we are taking animals out of there natural habitat and putting them on display for people to look at. I really focused on the ethics question why I was going through the butterfly and frog exhibits and the entire time I was thinking what gives us the right to keep these beautiful creatures caged up for our pleasure. Other people were too amazed by the beauty of the butterflies and the size of the frogs to realize the ethical issues behind what they were looking at. The Natural History Museum did a good job letting guests immerse themselves in nature because the butterfly exhibit basically puts you in the butterflies habitat and lets you walk around and experience the nature. My experience in the museum definitely instilled in me an ethical responsibility to nature because I experienced animals being used for human enjoyment first hand.

Butterfly exhibit

Nature and the Human Spirit: The Natural History Museum does a great job of helping us step out of our everyday lives because it presents many exhibits that can help us experience and understand many things we do not think about on a daily basis. It also provides us with the opportunity to immerse ourselves in the habitat of butterflies which is something that definitely helps us step away from our busy everyday lives and appreciate nature. For me, the Natural History Museum put into perspective how beautifully different our world is and how there are so many aspects of life that need to be appreciated. The museum caused me to really self reflect on what I am going to do to try and experience every aspect nature throughout my life.

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