Digital Literacy Fieldtrip Weber State University Digital Literacy Committee, Nov. 22, 2016

Our mission was to encounter strange new enterprises. To seek out new workplaces and new ways to communicate. To boldly go where no university has gone before!

Canvas was our first encounter. We found open platform workspaces. Private workspaces, and all the free sodas and snacks one could hope for! What else did they have to offer?
Apparently, they foster the belief that employees that play well together, work well together too!

Our next destination was at Adobe Software. A lonely, far away location way down in Utah County.

Their massive, expansive building and amenities were extremely impressive!
They are looking to expand in Data Analytics. Can Weber supply them with graduates?
They need employees with computer science, collaboration, and creativity skills.

Our final destination was to a galaxy closer to the mothership, a location that is not widely known: Pluralsight.

Clean, open, collaborative, and creative spaces. They are more focused on soft skills. "We can always teach skills, we can not teach how to work together. Employees need to come to us with that skill in hand."
We fearlessly venture where no committee has ventured before!

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