Thomas P A bit about me


My name is Thomas and I am a 15 year old boy living in Toronto. My background is Korean but I was born here in Toronto. I am currently going to EHSS and I am in the 10th grade. I really enjoy playing sports and I am currently pursuing a career as a hockey player.

Movies and Books

I would say that the all of the Lord of the Rings movies were great. But if I had to chose between the three I would pick Return of the king. I think this movie is the best as it has the best story and has lot's of action.

My favourite book is/was Harry Potter and the Philosophers stone. I prefer this one over the others because it is the first book and the introduction to the story. I feel that this book did a good job in introducing the world of Hogwarts or magic to us.

Favourite Hobbies and Sports

One of my Hobbies is painting models. I do my painting at Games Workshop. I enjoy this because I enjoy painting, more specifically models.


Another one of my hobbies is playing music. I play the cello and the piano. I have been playing the piano for 7 years and cello for 5 years.


My favourite thing to do is sports. Over the summer I play tennis, soccer, golf, and I swim and box (I just train. I don't actually fight). I love sports but my favourite sport by far is hockey. I love watching and playing hockey. In the future my goal is to first make it to NCAA (college hockey) and hopefully get drafted to the NHL.


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