What is SPORTS? What does it do to your body? Sports is an activity involving physical exertion and skill in which an individual or team competes against another or others for entertainment. There is many types of sports like basketball running gymnastics football cycling etc. It is very good and healthy for your body because sports and other physical activities have innumerable physical health benefits, including improved cardio respiratory and muscular fitness, bone health, increased life expectancy, and coronary health. Sports can also help prevent various types of cancer and weight gain and have positive effects on mental health by reducing depression and improving cognitive function. Sports can help promote long-term weight loss and help avoid weight gain.Sports can help people of all ages maintain and improve the health of their heart, lungs and blood vessels. Physical activity can significantly reduce the risk of coronary disease and stroke. According to the British Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology, approximately 40 percent of deaths related to coronary heart disease are related to inadequate physical activity, obesity, stress and raised blood pressure. Sports can help with all of these physical issues, decreasing the risk of coronary disease by about 50 percent. That's what sport is and what it does to your body.


Created with images by Stevebidmead - "runners male sport"

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