Capturing a Story In pictures

“Photography is the story I fail to put into words.” — Destin Sparks

If I had unlimited time and could have many professions, one would absolutely be photography. And after I posted that video, I realized how effective seeing is, alongside of just reading. But alas, there are not endless hours to each day and my top priorities for this trip do not include wandering around with my camera (although I'm fitting bits of that in too). Besides, there are some amazingly talented people out there, who have already captured some of the realities of Cambodia.

So explore away!

Source:, Photographer: Tom Ashe
Source:, Photographer: Charles King
Source:, Photographer: Bruce Sharp
Source: National Geographic Cambodia Photos, Ta Prohm Temple, Photographer: Gray Martin
Source: National Geographic Cambodia Photos, Phnom Penh, Photographer: Mediacolor's/Alamy

And speaking of Siem Reap, I'm getting ready to spend some time outside of the capital city. Tomorrow I am going to Kandal province to visit one of our partner organizations and in a few days, I will head up to Siem Reap to go with partners out to some of the rural villages where they work. I am so excited for these valuable, broader glimpses into our partners' work in different parts of the country.


Created with images by Luca Nebuloni - "Cambodia_0785"

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