Diplomacy and Foreign Affairs in the 1920s By: Maddie, Ben, Peyton W6

The following are the top 10 events in Diplomacy and foreign affairs in the 1920's...

#10 The Dawes Plan:

The Dawes Plan had 4 points that attempted to solve reparation problems. The Reichsbank, Germany's central bank, was reorganized under allied supervision. The plan gave the U.S. money which was used for transportation and taxes. This plan was one of the less important events because it was later replaced by the Young's Plan.

#9 The Young's Plan:

Germany could not meet the demands of The Dawes Plan, so this new plan reduced their payments to 112 billion dollars. The rest of the Dawes Plan stayed intact for the most part. Although this plan was not one of the most important, it still helped Germany and the United States.

#8 The Bucareli Agreement:

The Bucareli Agreement was between the U.S. and Mexico and it created a deal between the countries to help Mexico get more money for their crops. As a result, the United States gained better trade relations. This is important because trade is important to all countries and it helped us develop a better relationship with Mexico.

#7 The Kellogg-Briand Peace Pact:

Also known as the pact of Paris, 62 nations decided they would only go to war if they were acting to defend their country. This comes in at number 7 due to the way it made the world more peaceful because those nations didn’t automatically resort to war when they got mad.

#6 The Five Power Treaty:

The treaty was signed on the terms that the central powers would scale down the amount of warships, using submarines, and poisonous gas. This allows more humane wars, creating a fair fight. This is important now because there are still boundaries set for what is not acceptable in wars, making them as fair as possible.

#5 The Four Power Treaty:

Treaty between the U.S., Great Britain, and Japan. All parties agreed to stop territorial expansion. THis created the Anglo-Japanese Alliance to keep us from going to war. This treaty is important because still today we have a good relationship with Japan.

#4 The Ninth Power Treaty:

The Ninth Power treaty was in 1922 affirming the sovereignty and territorial integrity of china as a open door policy. China would now allow all nations equal rights and equal access to trade with them and to their trading ports.

#3 The Washington Conference:

The Washington Conference was called by President Harding and it became the first arms control conference in history. The Washington Conference is important and is rated at #3 because it sparked agreements like the Four Power Treaty, the Five Power Treaty, and the Ninth Power Treaty which majorly impacted the United States.

#2 The 14 Points:

The 14 Points were created by President Wilson in attempt to stop WWI, the points consisted of agreements involving trade, disarmament, and peace. The 14 points is ranked at number two because they sparked the negotiations for the end of WWI, but they were later replaced by the Treaty of Versailles because many other nations did not think Wilson's points would get the job done.

#1 The Treaty of Versailles:

The Treaty of Versailles set boundaries for Germany after the major destruction of WWI. The Allied powers wanted to dismember Germany to make sure that there was no more war. This treaty is by far the most important event from the 1920's because it ended World War I, it is one of the causes of WWII in the way that it made Germany very upset, and the impact of the agreements can still be seen today.

Primary Sources:

"Firstworldwar.com." First World War.com - Primary Documents - Treaty of Versailles, 28 June 1919. N.p., n.d. Web. 01 Mar. 2017.



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