"The Divine: A Play For Sarah Bernhardt" By Lorenzo Giordano

Walking into the auditorium I noticed that it was much bigger than I expected it to be. Also the dimmed lights gave me a sense of calm and relaxation. My seat was almost directly in front of the center of the stage but slightly off to the right. When the lights dimmed to start the play everyone knew the play was starting, you could feel a sense of seriousness. I took the play more seriously as well due to the surprising size of it. The role of place in the good life is that setting can affect our perspective and thoughts.

I registered to reserve my tickets with a friend through our gator central accounts. Unfortunately I had to see the play by myself, however the theater was full of students in IUF 1000. The students that I sat around gave me a feeling of seriousness and formality. The role of shared experience in the good life is the affect that those around you have on your mood and perspective, also how sharing a moment with someone can build relationships and community.

I went into the play not having much background information on the story or setting and went into it with an open mind. The play is set in the early twentieth century in a seminary school in which two young men at the school have to deliver a letter to Sarah Bernhardt saying the church doesn't approve of her play that "sings the praises of adulterous love". The central issue is the contents of the play and how they clash with the church's corruption in the city. I had known the stereotype that priests sexually abuse children and that the church would often have the power to control almost anything with its power. The performance didn't change my views on the issue just because I had already had a stern view on the topic.

The play gives us an opportunity for katharthis by showing that even though someone has authority over you doesn't necessarily mean that they are always going to be right or that they even have the right intentions. Just like the church has much power in the play, there are people and forces that we feel we need to obey just because that power was entitled to them by someone else. We can't simply follow these things blindly and without much thought.

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