Potrait Project By: Presley Alaniz

Outside: This photo requires the environment outside. The angle and lighting was an important aspect for me to capture this photo.
Away from the wall: This photo requirement is away from the wall, but against the railing. This photo covers the rule of thirds.
With Flash: This photo was taken in a dark place, to show the flash effect. This photo covers the background aspect, because has meaning to the person.
Without Flash: This photo had no flash, and mainly focused on the subject. This photo covers the center of focus.
Against the Wall: This photo was taken up against on the wall, but not directly.
Subject's Environment: This photo was taken to cover the subjects environment, the outside. This photo also covers the center of focus and background.
Natural Light: I took this photo to capture the natural light from the outside. This photo also covers the angle from where it was taken.
Choice 1: I chose this as my choice, because it was more an off guard. This photo covers the framing aspect.
Choice 2: This was my second choice, and this photo covers the selective focus aspect.
Choice 3: This photo was my choice three, and this covers filling the frame.

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