Firts, the book starts saying that the real story was more disgusting than the version that we heared.Then, it says that out with the ugly sisters are going to the ball while Cinderella is locked in the cellar. The Magic Fairy hears her cries and grants her wish that was to find herself all dressed up and dancing with the Prince. She hears the clock and runs, broking her dress and losing a slipper. After that she change it with her own shoe. The next day the Prince brings it to the house and she shows him that it fits. He cuts off the heads of both sisters. Cinderella hears the prince killing her sisters. Before he can cut off her head, the Magic Fairy appears and offers her one more wish. She says she didn't want more princes, she just wants a normal man. Sudenlly she married with a jum-maker.

Characters: Cinderella, sisters and prince.

Adjetives: gasp, feller, shered.

Chapter 2: Jack and The beanstalk

First, Jack's mother and he are desesperated and she sends him to sell their old cow to someone that was rich. Later he comes back with a bean. She can’t believe it and throws the bean into the rubbish dump. The next day they see that the bean become bigger into a huge beanstalk. Jack was happy, but his mother complains that there aren’t any beans for pick them but Jack saw that the leaves were of gold and she decided to send Jack to clim it up. As he climbs, he hears a giant shouting. She tells him it is imposible the giant could smells him, as Jack never bathes and he stinks. She decides to climb it herself. Later, Jack hears the giant eat her. He though that if he wants the gold, he’s going to have a wash. When he climbs the beanstalk again, the giant doesn’t smell him at all.

Characters: Jack, Jacks' mother, Giagant

Vocabulary: creep, gollikins and lousy.

Chapter 3: Snow-White and the Seven Dwarfs

Snow White’s mother dies and her father the King advertises for a new wife. He choosed Miss Maclahose, who had with her a magic talking looking glass. It always provides the correct answer to any question you ask. Every day the Queen asks, who is the fairest of them all? The answer is always the queen. One day, it says that Snow White is prettier than her. The Queen is furious and orders to kill her. In the forest, Snow White begged for her life and the huntsman lets her go. Snow White went to the city and got a job as a cook for seven little men. They’re all ex-jockeys and they spend all their money betting on horses. She told them she had an idea and she went to the castle. She steals the mirror of the wall and returns to the dwarfs’ house.

Characters: King, Miss Maclahose and Snow-White.

Vocabulary: filthy, race- track and bullock.

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