Al "Scarface" Capone chief crime lord of chicago

Who was Al "scarface" Capone?

  • Al Capone, born 1899 in Brooklyn, New York, grew up to be the most infamous gangster in history.
  • Al Capone was known as a multi-millionaire because of the secret company he had created. When the 18th amendment was created in 1920 (prohibition of alcoholic beverages in the US by declaring production, transport, and sale of alcohol illegal) increased the earnings of America's gangsters through bootlegging, (illegal manufacture and sale of alcohol), speakeasies (illicit drinking establishments), as well as gambling and prostitution. Capone made big money in this business
  • Capone's income from these activities was estimated $60,000,000 a year.
  • Capone's net worth by 1927 was around $100 million.
  • Capone consolidated control of the streets of Chicago. He ruthlessly gunned down enemies/rivals a any time.

What did Al Capone have to do with the St. Valentine's murder on February 14, 1929?

To this day, no one knows for certain if Al Capone was involved in the massacre of his enemies' coworkers. A trial was never put into place. However, it is assume he was , because that was his enemy whom the murderers targeted. Also, George Moran, Al Capone's rival, and the boss of the seven men who were shot to death, claimed, "Only Capone kills like that".

The downfall of Al Capone:

The St. Valetine's Massacre said to of marked the beginning of Al Capone's downfall.

  • Authorities began investigating Capone after he failed to appear before a federal grand jury after being subpoenaed in March 1929.
  • Police arrested him for contempt of court when he finally did arrive and testify.
  • Capone postponed snd was eventually was released.
  • However he soon got arrested in Philadelphia that May on charges of carrying concealed weapons.
  • Capone served 9 months in prison, snd was released for good behavior.
  • February 1931: Federal court found Capone guilty on the contempt charge and was sentenced to 6 months in jail.
  • Meanwhile, an investigation of Capone for tax evasion. A case was put together and in June 1931, Capone was indicted for tax evasion.
  • Capone was sentenced to 11 years in prison, and released in 1939.
  • He later died an invalid recluse at his Florida home in 1947.
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Emma Taylor

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