I know a secret! And you may not beleive it.

If you need to plan dinner...


Do you take stock of what you have and see the posibilies...

See the possibilities.

Plan the next steps...

Carry out the plan.

Can you solve...three cookies for four children...

By changing the number of pieces to twelve.

Do you adapt what you make?

Eyes painted open. Clothing changed.

Change something slightly?

Is she looking down?

Or all together?

Glass eyes almost look alive.

Do you imagine a teddy bear tea party?

With friends?

Can you take a pile of blocks

And Build a hideout for Batman and Robin?

Do you try

And try again

And again before you get the look you want?

I know a secret, everybody is creative! Pass it on!
Created By
Jan Hunsicker


Jan Hunsicker

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