
Lacrosse Season Begins By: Eliza Noell

When trying out a new sport, many think of the common games you would see advertised on billboards or school websites, sports such as basketball and football. One that has recently joined the ranks is lacrosse.

Since 2001, according to Sports Destination Management, the sport of lacrosse has skyrocketed in popularity, boasting rapidly growing numbers of male and female participants. To reference Game Breaker Lacrosse Camps, lacrosse has more than 36,000 athletes playing at a college level as of 2015.

Many people think that this spike in popularity has to do with the number of diverse factors the sport includes, such as the player holding a stick being similar to hockey. Along with this is the familiar goal of the ball being exchanged with each player to score a goal. Lacrosse is also much more action packed and risky, another factor that could contribute to its growing numbers.

Freshman Ethan Morrow, who’s recently joined Catholic’s lacrosse team, elaborated on his experience with lacrosse. He’s had experience playing for Farragut. He’s started practicing after school since January 7th and has been playing lacrosse for about five years.

Morrow also spoke about how the sport has affected him and what he’s learned.

“It teaches you to speak up, it gets you to get out, you get to learn some things, it teaches you discipline, there’s a whole bunch of things about it that are really helpful,” Morrow stated.

In conclusion, lacrosse has gained a sharp increase in popularity, as well as players, both in and out of school, enrolling to play. For Catholic Lacrosse, with the season just starting, it will be exciting to see who will win on the game this leap day! Don’t be afraid to check them out at their next game against Webb on March 3rd and Web Bell Buckle on the 14th! Whether you play or not, it’s an interesting experience to see a long-lasting sport really beginning to climb up the ranks.