Journey Log #6 Metacognition

John Krall - johnnyk - section 041 - journey log 6 - ranger

Habits of Mind: Metacognition

This week in class, one concept we talked about was what plagiarism is and how we commit acts of plagiarism. Using someones work for reference or even to inspire our own ideas is a line that is sometimes very fuzzy when trying to determine is someone plagiarized something. In this article by a teacher she says, "Although we strive to uphold academic integrity, we may unknowingly be committing plagiarism" (Crawford). So even in some cases the people who we learn from are plagiarizing and so because of this, the way we view plagiarism can be slightly blurred. Often when we commit plagiarism we don't even intend to or realize we are doing it. Because of this we have to rely heavily on metacognition in our writing. While being able to properly cite ideas used from other people is important, reflecting on our own knowledge through metacognition gives our writing ideas we come up with.

In class and in our meeting last week we also talked about our rough drafts and some of the writing processes behind it. We discussed different strategies that I could go about writing my paper. Wether it was from taking the whole history of the Joker and analyzing it or sticking to one version of the Joker, the way in which I am going to psychoanalyze the joker is also something that needs to be thought about. With this being said, metacognition becomes very important to my writing process on the Joker. I knew that I needed to learn a strategy on comprehending the joker if I was fully going to be able to understand him. This is something that I have worked on this past week and one of the things that I researched. I wanted to know how to effectively psychoanalyze someone and one of the biggest pieces of advice was to, "Read all articles about psychology, read the articles about personality analysis. Try to analyze your own personality first so that you can test your knowledge" (Radwan). This was very helpful as once I was able to learn more about the process of psychoanalyzing, I was then able to better analyze my villain.

Works Cited

Crawford, Miki. "Are You Committing Plagiarism? Top Five Overlooked Citations to Add to Your Course Materials." Faculty Focus | Higher Ed Teaching & Learning. N.p., 29 Sept. 2010. Web. 07 Mar. 2017.

Radwan, Farouk. "How to Analyze Someone's Personality." How to Analyze Someone's Personality | 2KnowMySelf. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 Mar. 2017.


Created with images by Manuel Cernuda - "Plagiarism is Possible" • cdrummbks - "general introduction to psychoanalysis"

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