My Poems By Jose Huerta

Sadness I see you in every ancient ruin. I see you in every empty stomach. I see you in every poor small village. I see you in empty eyes. I see you in dark cloudy skies. I see you in every small drop of rain. I see you in the night. I see you in the day. Sadness I feel you when I am alone. I feel you when I can’t feel at all. I feel you in a dark room. I feel you when I’m trapped In this confusing world. Sadness I dream of you at night. I dream of you during the day. Sadness I hear you in every slow beat I hear you in quiet whispers. I hear you in wind Sadness. I see you. I feel you. I dream of you. I hear you.
Here we are all together. We used to always be together. We would eat together. Watch used to watch TV together. Laugh together. Here we are all together. When we were younger. When life was easier. When life was happier. Here we are all together. Before the house got redone. Before we got older. Before life got harder. Before the stress piled up. Before bad habits.
People can be measured in many different ways. Will your IQ be measured. Or will your height be measured. Maybe your weight will be measured. Your age can be measured. Your wealth can be measured. Perhaps your looks will be measured. Or will your strength be measured. Your agility can be measured. The actions you make can be measured. Or will your personality be measured. Maybe you’ll be measured based on your job. There are many ways to measure someone. How will I be measured?

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