#18 Hotel for sale


4 stars hotel

Location: Isla Holbox, Mexico.

Number of rooms: 17

Land2,400 m2

PRICE: $ 6’000,000 U.S.D

Beach front

Caribbean style hotel, situated on a fine white sand beach surrounded by palm trees
intimate restaurant serving specialties made from fresh natural ingredients
17 rooms or villas

Isla Holbox is an island north of Mexico’s Yucatán Peninsula, in Quintana Roo State. It's part of the Yum Balam Nature Reserve and separated from the mainland by the Yalahau Lagoon, which is home to flamingos and pelicans. The island is between the Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico, with waters rich in marine life, including sea turtles. Island highlights include laid-back Holbox Village and Punta Coco Beach.



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