Budget Freak How to entertain the kids 2017

It doesn't have to be expensive to be fun.

The fun has already began! It's mid-march and going fast. The weather has been amazing, here in Florida, and you bet we are taking advantage of it!! So, what the heck do you do when it's nice out but have no budget for an expensive amusement park or major attraction.


This is just one of the great spots I have found for my family to go. It's FREE for one. Two, it comes with a free air conditioned museum when you need a break from the sun. The museum is awesome! They have exhibits about all kinds of wildlife that Florida has to offer. My son just loved looking at everything, we ended up going back in and looking again.

I started with a hike up to lookout point

This hike is for any level. It's very flat unless you want to climb the 3 flights to see the view.

We made it!

I made it fun along the way as we collected sticks and looked at marsh and nature. We kept up with our steps on the iPhone.. This way he felt like he accomplished something, when we hit 10,000 steps! Believe it or not my son enjoyed knowing he was exercising with his momma. The whole day we probably walked about 3 miles. He was exhausted ( and so was I lol) but he didn't forget to tell me how much fun he had.

We met a new friend today

There is no telling what you might see along the way!

For food, I always pack snacks with a cooler wherever we go. I fill a small backpack that keeps us fueled and hydrated for the hike. We spent no money and we are eating healthy!! The whole day took about 4 hours.

Not in the St Pete area? Look for nature preserves in your area. I lived a couple places and I usually find something.

For more ideas on budgeting adventures Like my Facebook page nikkimadepossible or @nikki_made_possible.

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