Royalties vs. Spotify By Caleb Burkhart

Music industry thrives off of music purchases.
Musicians, who are the core of the music industry, are the ones who make the music.
Musicians need gear to express their musical voice, yet the cost of gear can be high.

The recording industry records the music that is streamed through streaming services.

Recording studios suffer a huge loss from a decline in music purchases.


Created with images by PublicDomainPictures - "dvd dvds compact" • Unsplash - "records album vinyl" • p_a_h - "Douga - Daylight Music 17th May 2014" • lehni - "saxophone music still life" • kevinbism - "amplifier music rock" • bgvjpe - "PRS Custom 24 Headstock" • andrewmalone - "Mixer" • darkday. - "Reel to Reel"

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