My Blog Aundraya K.


I hate Nick Lee so much. I would LOVE to push him down. Flight of stairs but whatever. I get to see my boyfriend on Sunday so that makes me happy. Kyndal got me lunch today. That was nice. Well I'm new to this so I'm ending with that. Bye.


Woke up at 6:20 AM as usual on school days. My stomach is upset but whatever. I've been getting headaches on and off today but it has been manageable. Mom was going to take me shopping after school today for a shirt that I could wear on Sunday for my boyfriend and I's 6 month anniversary. She can't because she is meeting up with my best friend's mom for dinner. So I'll be alone with my dad. I really don't enjoy being alone with him. He's annoying when he eats. I can't even sit in the same room while he's eating. I can't watch TV with my family because of him. Well I'll probably just keep to myself in my bedroom and watch TV. Wish me luck!




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