Loved Emily Lessman

The world, she cares about says the heart shaped rock

laying on the sheet music;

She wants to explore new things,

says the artwork atop the shelf, leaning against the wall.

The Baylor bear sitting above the books,

In her room says she is a team player.

She cares about others says the plants on the window sill,

Growing strong and beautiful.

Music is her passion says the trumpet,

laying on the nightstand waiting to be played;

She wants to do her best,

says the trophies standing on the dresser.

The books on the shelf stacked in a line say she is creative.

She learns from the past,

says the old, beat up truck outside the window, in the driveway.

The gifts around her room say she has people to support her.

Her family loves her says the bear charm on the dresser by the perfume.

The collage of family pictures above the desk says she would do anything for her family.

The collage of friends by the family photos above the desk says

she considers friends, family.


Created with images by condesign - "daisy heart flowers"

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