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Permian High School Addition/Renovation Ector County ISD | Odessa, Texas

Parkhill provided additions and renovations to Ector County ISD’s Permian High School to accommodate incoming freshmen and create flexibility for future programming. The project was divided into three phases.

82,000 SF academic extension + 9,500 SF practice gym +

7,200 SF kitchen + 4,300 SF choir room

Phase I & II

Phases I and II included a new academic wing, practice gymnasium, band hall, renovations and additions to the athletic locker rooms, new den centers and tennis facility. The new 82,000 SF two-story academic extension design is similar to a collegiate model with instructors located in professional centers and collaboration zones for up to 60 students at each level. The classroom and lab design permits versatile learning areas with folding partitions to allow reconfiguration of the spaces for varying groups and sizes. The academic den centers are zoned around the campus for the creation of learning communities for 400 to 500 students and administrative staff.

The practice gymnasium is designed to support the district's physical education, basketball, volleyball, and dance programs with occupancy for both school assemblies and spectator seating. The locker room expansion will ensure adequate facilities for the varsity, JV, and freshman athletic programs. The design also includes athletic offices, a film room, laundry, storage, and support spaces. The band hall addition provides practice and rehearsal space with 20-foot ceilings and acoustical features to support 300 band members, musical casework for instrument storage, offices, and support spaces. The tennis facility was improved with eight new tennis courts and spectator seating.

Phase III

Phase III included a new commercial kitchen and serving lines, renovations to the existing dining hall and a new choir room. The 7,200 SF kitchen has modern equipment with six state-of-the-art serving lines that accommodate over 3,000 students per day. The renovated dining hall includes the existing dining area and fills the space of the existing kitchen. The renovation revealed multiple skylights previously encapsulated by the ceiling. This design decision increased the volume of the space while providing a more comfortable feel and provided a flood of natural light. The dining hall renovations also included a new cyber cafe and bistro complementing the collegiate-style atmosphere created throughout the addition and renovation work. The 4,300 SF choir room is equipped with offices, storage and exceptional acoustical provisions for all choir-related activities. The close proximity to the existing auditorium is convenient for practices and overflow at theater productions.