
IT专家:佐治亚州制表机将投票结果发往中共国 【中英对照翻译】

新闻来源:《GatewayPundit》; 作者:吉姆•霍夫特(Jim Hoft); 发布时间:December , 27,2020 /2020年12月27日







VIDEO: IT Expert Ramsland: Audit in Savannah, Georgia Shows Tabulation Machines Were Sending Results to China


Russell Ramsland and his team of IT experts were hired to investigate the Dominion Voting Machines in Antrim County Michigan recently. 最近,罗素·拉姆斯兰德(Russell Ramsland)和他的IT专家团队受雇来研究密歇根州安特里姆县(Amrim County)的多猫腻投票机。

Ramsland later filed an affidavit where he claimed the election results in Michigan were an impossibility.




BOOM: Election Fraud Expert Russ Ramsland Files Affidavit Showing ‘PHYSICAL IMPOSSIBILITY’ of Election Results in Michigan


The affidavit from Russell Ramsland of Allied Security Systems concerning the election fraud that took place in the 2020 election in Michigan was released. In the affidavit Ramsland shows the physical improbabilities of the election results there. Below is the Twitter thread from @Kanekoa discussing Ramsland’s affidavit: Russell Ramsland from Allied Security Operations Group … Continue reading

来自联合安全系统公司(Allied Security Systems)的罗素·拉姆斯兰德关于2020年密歇根州大选舞弊的宣誓证词已发布。在证词中,拉姆斯兰德展示了密歇根州选举结果在物理上是不可能的。以下是推特用户@Kanekoa关于宣誓证词的讨论:……(继续阅读)

Russell James Ramsland Jr. of the Allied Security Operations Group recently said a forensic audit in Savannah, Georgia, “Shows tabulation machines were sending election results to CHINA.”

联合安全运营小组(Allied Security Operations Group)的罗素·詹姆斯·拉姆斯兰德最近表示,它们在佐治亚州的萨凡纳(Savannah)进行了(对大选的)法务审计,“发现制表机正在将选举结果发送给中共国”。


Russell Ramsland: It looks like it’s going to prove out to be correct that in Georgia there is a “smart thermostat” that is talking to the tabulations and reporting the votes back to China. And that was traced by a Microsoft engineer and he brought it to our attention yesterday. So that’s being monitored.



Breaking Virus here Votes there,


Russell James Ramsland Jr.Allied Security Operations Group


“Forensic AUDIT in Savannah GA shows tabulation machines were sending election results to CHINA”



编辑:【喜马拉雅战鹰团】Edited by:【Himalaya Hawk Squad】