Where I want to go for Spring Break I want to go to japan

I want to go to Japan for Spring Break. I know that chances are I won't go this spring break but maybe I can someday.I will get there by plane because it's fast and I get the maximum amount of time in Japan. The flight would be 13 Hrs long from Ohio. I would stay in the middle of Tokyo in the Hilton Tokyo which costs $325 a night. I would like to go to Hiroshima, Mount Fuji, and the imperial palace. In Hiroshima I would look at the obesity looking building that managed to survive point blank nukaing. I would walk around Mount Fuji and experience some restaurants in the area. I would give myself a self tour of the Imperial Palace and other surrounding buildings. Japan is known for its Sushi, Ramen, Bento, Miso Soup, and Kaiseki.

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