Pollution Jesutofunmi osasan

WHAT IS POLLUTION? Pollution is the presence in or introduction into the environment of a substance or thing that has harmful or poisonous effects, in other words Pollution is anything that makes the earth dirty and unhealthy. Land, air, and water are all affected by pollution.

Pollution takes up space on our land. Many of the things people use every day come in packages, like food, games, school supplies, and electronics. These packages end up in large underground dumps called landfills. Landfills make land unhealthy for animals and people.

What are the three main types of pollution? Give examples of each.

  • Air pollution
  • Water pollution
  • Soil pollution

There are more types of pollution which include, noise pollution, radioactive pollution, thermal pollution, light pollution, visual pollution, and personal pollution.

When you pour chemicals in water it is water pollution. When you do not throw away your trash properly then it is soil pollution. When you release unhealthy chemicals into the air then it becomes air pollution.

What are some of the causes of pollution? There many course of pollution, for example, The burning of fossil fuel contributes to air pollution, which returns to the earth as acid rain and that can increase water and soil pollution.

Overpopulated cities can also increase air and water pollution because of the cars on the road, and can also increase light and noise pollution because of their are too much buildings in the city.

What are three major environmental disasters (Due to Pollution)that have occurred and how have they impacted the Earth? What chemicals were involved in the accident?

The niger delta, it is a place in Nigeria that was affected by oil spillage. It was a place of farming but now no one can plant there again.

Thousands of separate spills during four decades of oil extraction have turned the Niger Delta into a crude soaked wasteland, fouling water sources, contaminating fish, polluting the ground and air, and reducing life expectancy.

The spills are caused by accidents, crumbling pipeline infrastructure, sabotage, and theft , but unlike in the much smaller Gulf of Mexico or Exxon Valdez spills there is no billion-dollar cleanup operation in Nigeria.

The ozone layer shields the Earth from the Sun’s harmful ultraviolet radiation. In 1985, scientists from the British Antarctic Survey discovered a large hole in the layer over Antarctica.

Chemicals used in air conditioners and aerosol sprays called chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) had eaten away the ozone, creating the hole, which appears in this image from 2000 as a giant blue blob. Today, although smaller than before, the hole remains about the size of North America despite near total elimination of CFCs from products worldwide.

Twice the size of Texas, the Pacific Garbage Patch is a semi-permanent floating island of plastic trash, circulated by the currents of the North Pacific Gyre, which often deposits junk on island beaches.

Larger items like fishing nets can entangle and drown se a animals and choke seabirds, while smaller items eventually dissolve and so pollute the marine food chain. The garbage patch also delivers invasive species around the Pacific.


Use Environmentally Safe Products. ...

Recycle Your Used Motor Oil and Filters. ...

Compost Yard Trimmings. ...

Report Illegal Dumping. ...

Pick Up After Your Pets. ...

Dispose of Trash Properly. ...

Use Water Based Paints. ...

Recycle Everything You Can.

Here are some things you can do:**Stop smoking or don't throw your butts on the ground. ... **Drive an electric or hybrid car or at least one that uses unleaded gasoline.**Keep your car in good running condition to avoid emissions.**Share a ride or carpool.**Choose to walk or ride a bicycle whenever possible.

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