7 Tips for Finding Your Passion (a smart girl's guide)

There’s nothing worse than sitting at a dead-end job, or worse, a job that you hate.

If you're doing something that you're not passionate about, it’s possible you won’t do your best at it. Use these tips to try and ignite a spark on finding your passion.

1. Overcome the Fear of Change

Doing something different than what you're used to is a scary proposition. People are hesitant to change. It could be exactly doing this that can help you find what your passions are.

2. Step Outside Your Comfort Zone

This phrase has gotten a bit overused but is still very relevant when trying to find your passion. When you get too comfortable with your situation, this could be the very factor that starts to hold you back. You become less willing to take the necessary chances that can help you grow.

3. Be Constantly Learning

Learn new skills all the time. Try to learn skills that you wouldn't normally shoot for. At your workplace, you can reach out to other departments and ask if someone would be willing to show you how they do their job. At a community event, take on leadership roles on committees, etc. Read about new skills on your commute to work or your lunch hour.

4. Ask Family What You’re Good At

You may be thinking that you would know best what you're good at. To some degree this is true. However, your family (and friends) may see things about you that you haven't seen in yourself. Ask them what they think you're good at and be prepared for some interesting suggestions.

5. Consider Your Dreams

Everyone has a dream. In many cases, people put those dreams on hold for one reason or another. Revisit those dreams that you put on the backburner. Explore what it would take to make those dreams a reality.

6. Work for a Non-Profit Organization

If there are opportunities to work with a non-profit organization that fits within what you're passionate about, you could volunteer with them, or you can even work for money. It’s usually easier to get your foot in the door when you offer your services for free. The organization will be much more willing to teach you the skills you desire. However, there are always opportunities to start out free and then start getting paid after a certain time. The concentration should be on learning your passion, so pay should be secondary.

7. Don’t Discard Hobbies

Before the internet, it was much harder to make money from your hobbies. That isn't the case today. It's much easier to profit from your hobbies. Therefore, if you are looking for a career change, you can consider your hobbies if that’s where your passions lie. It can be something as simple as setting up a blog and selling products that are related somehow to your hobby. When you do this, it gives you the ability to “have your cake and eat it too!”


1. Write three new skills that you'd like to learn and determine the steps needed to make them happen. Set up some goals and action steps required to accomplish them.

2. Ask two friends what they think you're good at. Do this with two family members as well. Write these all down and reflect on whether they're something you would want to pursue. Spend several days on this evaluation process.

3. Write down one hobby that you've placed on the backburner. As in item #1, write down what it would take to accomplish it. Optional: do this with a hobby that you would never have considered in the past.


1. The Element: How Finding Your Passion Changes Everything

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2. Finding Your Element:

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3. Finding Passion:

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4. Find Your Why: A Practical Guide to Discovering Purpose for You or Your Team:

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Created By
Annie Harrison


Created with images by Patrick Hoesly - "iPhone Background - Hearts" • Wokandapix - "fear anxiety emotion" • Unsplash - "woman reading book" • Alexas_Fotos - "live your dream motivation incentive" • danielthornton - "Volunteering" • Unsplash - "woman photographer photographer woman"

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