The good life performance "The Divine"-- Gilberto Barrios


The lobby of the Constans Theatre was very oriented and was actually easy to follow the stairs to the main entrance to the inside of the theatre unlike most other concert halls and theatres I have been to. Here I am right outside the lobby with the ad for the play in display. I didnt feel nervous as I went inside but I did feel anxious to see the stage and where I was gonna sit. I sat on the right side of the theatre and had a good viewpoint of the actors. I believe the role of place in the Good Life is very important because of perspective and how we feel in certain circumstances and situations.

THE SOCIAL EXPERIENCE: I went to the performance with my roommate, Carlos, and it was a very enjoyable experience overall. I greatly appreciate the good time I had at the play and with my friend. Shared experiences in the Good Life are very important because it what connects us as human beings and makes sure we stay sane and attached to one another in this life.


The cultural experience I went through while watching this performance live was that all throughout history and in many different places and cultures their have been differences and most of the time, society disagrees with one another which leads to riots, wars, bans, and just flat out rudeness. The play dives into the controversy between society, the voices of actors and plays, and the church at the moment which has always been a theme throughout history and especially at this time period

THE EMOTIONAL EXPERIENCE: "The Divine" gives us a chance to come clean as human beings because it shows many unique individuals coming together from different backgrounds and interacting in ways you would not expect that changes them as people at the end of the day. This explains how humanity works and that their is always a "refresh" button in our lives when we strive for it.

Created By
Gilberto Barrios


Created with images by AndyRobertsPhotos - "Theatre" • esdomingos - "stage theatre of" • waldomiguez - "vienna opera house"

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