Rapid Optimization KPHC Experts

Clinical content- Templated tools to document your visit or provide information to your patient. This includes smartlinks, smartphrases, patient instructions, and more.

Preference lists - These are lists of recommended or preferred orderables (like labs or imaging studies) and diagnoses.

Navigators- A guide to visits in your department, like a road map. We can reduce clutter, streamline your department's diagnoses, reasons for visit, and LOS.

Express lanes- Move your department's most common routine visit into the fast lane by setting up all of the visit activities you need with less clicks.

Ancillary technology interface- Maximize opportunities with your iPhone and other devices.

Recall and patient follow up- Step away from the paper and use HealthConnect to electronically manage your department's follow up methods.

Side bar reports- Specialty specific patient information viewable in one place.

Reporting workbench- Configurable real time reports based on provider or operational needs.

In basket management- Maximize opportunities with existing functionality and reports to improve efficiency.

Synopsis- Track and analyze patient data trends (eg labs, medications, vitals, etc) in one place.

Optimization and efficiency education- In person education and materials to improve user's experience with HealthConnect.


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