Safer Internet Day Look outside the frame

When taking a photo, what sort of things do you decide to leave out? A photo shows a small part of one larger scene, but what about 'outside the frame?' Can we ever know what's happening without seeing the bigger picture?

Dosbarth Saith - Class 7 - were busy creating images that show how the things we see online may not always be what they seem. Taking a photo allows us to choose what other people get to see, and what information is left out. Take a look at the two pictures below, see what they have included and what they have left out. Can this influence how well you understand what is going on?

Children working hard, completing their work... listening to their teacher...
Chaotic class... not listening to their teacher...

Take a look at a similar photo. What do you think is happening here?

Listening intently and highly engaged with Mr Gowen's lesson...
Boys and girls revolting in class: head in hands, photo bombing and even sitting on tables!!

We learnt a lot from today's lesson and thought about many examples in which the truth can sometimes be hidden or removed from a picture. The next time you look at a picture online, remember, without seeing the bigger picture, it may not always be what it seems.


Created with images by Editor B - "Frames" • Unsplash - "polaroid camera instant" • topzcom - "frame old camera film"

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