The Age of Exploration A Portuguese explorer Bartolomeu Dias

  • Bartolomeu Dias is originally from Portugal.
  • Bartolomeu Dias explored the southern part of Africa called Cabo das Agulhas a headland in present day Western Cape, South Africa.
  • Bartolomeu explored the Perlious Cape of Good hope and then sailed around Africas southern tip, Cabos das Agulhas, then entered the waters of the Indian ocean.
  • Bartolomeu exploration had resulted in increase trade with India and other Asian powers due to the Ottoman Empire blocking overland trade routes. Bartolomeu also helped Christopher Columbus seek a royal patron for a voyage to the east.
  • As Bartolomeu spotted land on Feburary 3, 1488 they found a bay called Sao Bras. It was about 300 miles from present day Cape of Good hope. At the shoreline Bartolomeu and his men were met by indigenous Khoikhoi people who threw stones at his men. The attack stopped when one of Bartolomeu men shot one of the Khoikhoi people with an arrow.
  • Bartolomeu Dias explored only during the year 1488.
  • Bartolomeu Voyage around the southern tip of Africa in 1488 lasted about 15 months and was a 16,000 mile journey.

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