About NERF guns By Kitt Carruthers

BAD things about NERF guns and foam darts? NERF darts are bad for the earth because if you through out a Nerf foam dart it takes about 1,000,000 years to decompose. Toy guns could be bad for kids because toy guns increase aggressive behavior because if they shot someone with a Nerf they think it's OK to use a real gun. You could shoot your eye out.

These foam darts and plastic NERF guns are designed and engineered at Hasbro head quarters in pawtucket but the NERF gun its self is made in Hong Kong.

Toy blasters have evolved from when 1992. Now, they shoot farther, faster, and lay down more fire than ever before. You can buy a freaking fully-automatic Nerf machine gun now. I clearly need to up my game. But how to arm myself?

The Best Nerf Gun for Every Kid (At Heart) - Gizmodogizmodo.com/the-best-nerf-gun-for-every-kid-at-heart-1672628692Dec 18, 2014 - The other thing I discovered is that it's not “Nerf or Nothing” anymore: some toy weapons from rival companies are worth checking out. I actually ...

GOOD things about NERF guns and foam darts? Hasbro try's to donate and help people in need. They give people something to play with. They sponsor events. Nerf guns are fun to play with in doors and out doors. Nerf guns aren't just a one time use you can use them for a long time.

I think Nerf guns are ethically produced because I play with Nerf guns and it is really fun because my parents and me wear Nerf goggles so we don't shoot are eyes out and since I am not to little I will not use real guns in life.

There are different types of Nerf guns like Nerf rebel,Nerf zombie strike,Nerf,Nerf mega and Nerf rival.

The packaging is recyclable and is reused.


Created with images by JeepersMedia - "Nerf" • JeepersMedia - "Nerf Zombie Strike DoubleStrike" • JeepersMedia - "Nerf Mega Magnus" • JeepersMedia - "Nerf" • JeepersMedia - "Nerf"

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