The Physics of Soccer A scientific Presentation

Newtons 1st Law: Newtons 1st law, inertia can be applied to soccer by using the ball. The ball is at rest until it is kicked and moved forward with a certain velocity. The ball with keep moving until the ball is stopped by an unbalanced force. In this case, the unbalanced forces are gravity, wind or another object such as a person.

Magnus Effect: This is a force that is applied to a high speed object that is spinning. This is responsible for curve balls. After the ball is kicked and is spinning, the friction between the air and the ball causes the air to react to the direction of the ball. The velocity of the air around the top half of the ball becomes less than the air velocity around the bottom half of the ball. As for Newtons second law, if you want more acceleration, you can simply kick the ball again.


Created with images by Alexas_Fotos - "football play danbo" • flooy - "football duel ball" • MichaelGaida - "air bag wind sock weather" • keijj44 - "soccer football player" • Andy03 - "soccer football sport"

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