Neighborhood Arts Services

Since 1979, SOMArts has provided staging and event consultation for San Francisco’s many street fairs and festivals through our Neighborhood Arts Services program. The program has a rich history and has been working with most arts and culture festivals since their grassroots beginnings.

Although we remain committed to supporting neighborhood arts and cultural events, as of December 1, 2016, SOMArts will discontinue the Neighborhood Arts Services program due to rising operating costs and a lack of affordable options for space.

We maintain a close relationship with Neighborhood Arts Services Director Zach Slater. For anyone seeking staging services for neighborhood arts and cultural events, we recommend Zach's new company Active Special Event Services. Zach can be contacted directly at or by phone at 415-964-8355.

Click here for additional resources for Neighborhood Arts Services clients. As SOMArts prepares for this big transition, we honor the work of many people who have contributed to Neighborhood Arts Services: Program Director Ernest Rivera, who pioneered and ran the program for more than 30 years; Zach Slater, the program’s current director; and many dedicated crew members, whose work supported hundreds of outdoor arts and cultural events throughout the Bay Area.

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