Frances Grey Website development and digital marketing proposal

Your Proposal Objectives

Your proposal has three complementary objectives.

1. Website Development- create a user friendly website that allows customers to easily interact and purchase Frances Grey products.

2. Social Media Marketing-Attract potential customers to your website using social media marketing channels, focusing on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube.

3. Content-Build trust with visitors and demonstrate Frances Grey inspirational story by providing potential customers with valuable and relevant content.

Website Development

Website Development

  • Migrate website from GoDaddy to Square Space
  • Develop website using Square Space Platform
  • Create website user-friendly navigation
  • Structure website written content
  • Recommend website creative content
Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing

  • Create Facebook page for Frances Grey
  • Strategize a Facebook Advertising Campaign that leads to Frances Grey website
  • Create YouTube Channel for Frances Grey Style TV
  • Develop a Youtube Channel publishing schedule
Added Value

Added Value

Here are some tools that will support your journey on to e-commerce success.

With this proposal, you will also receive:

  • A consultation on production management and online customer service
  • A series of recorded tutorials on how to advertise on Facebook and Instagram
  • A professionally selected "application list" of services that will enhance your social media marketing
Next Steps

Summary & Cost

  • Complete website development
  • Social Media master plan
  • Professional guidance for an e-commerce business
  • Instructional videos to manage Facebook, Instagram and YouTube

Our special price for you on this package is $2,000.00 plus third party advertising cost (Facebook ads ) and third party monthly fees on suggested applications and softwares. (SquareSpace $312.00 yearly or $30.00 a month--EasySocialGrow-$39.00 a month)

Johanna Espinosa-

Created By
Johanna Espinosa

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