the Macbeth Conflicted jaquez durham

In Act 1 Macbeth loyal to the king ''the service and the loyalty i owe, in doing it , pays itself '' (1.2. 22 -23 )

In Act 1 lady Macbeth she want power '' screw your courage to the sticking - place and well not fail (1.7.60-61)

in Act 2 Macbeth lady macbeth convinced him to kill the king '' methought i heard a voice cry '' sleep the innocent sleep " (2.2.34-35)

in Act 2 lady macbeth she still control things '' go get some water and wash this filthy witness from your hand '' (2.3.45-46)

in Act 3 Macbeth wants to kill him '' banquos issue have i filled my mind for them them gracious Duncan have i murder ( 3.1.65-66)

in Act 3 lady Macbeth doesn't know about the plans '' be innocent of the know edge dearest chuck , till thou app laud the dead . ( 3.3.45-46 )

In Act 4 Macbeth see enemy every where '' then live , macduff what need i fear of thee ? but yet ill make assurance double sure , and take a bond of fate ( 4.1.82-83 )

In Act 4 lady macbeth attacking his man hood '' Are you a man ? ( 3.1.58-59)

In Act 5 Macbeth realize everyone sold him out " ill fight , till from my bone my flesh be hacked give me my armor''

In Act 5 lady Macbeth went crazy and killed herself '' out, damned spot out , i say ! one two why then its time to do it . hell is murky fie , my lord , feel a solder and ahead


Created with images by Makuahine Pa'i Ki'i - "Kendall (Queen Macbeth)" • Makuahine Pa'i Ki'i - "Macbeth vs Young Siward" • littleblackcamera - "Macbeth" • Makuahine Pa'i Ki'i - "Death of Macduff's Son" • Makuahine Pa'i Ki'i - "King and Queen Macbeth"

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