Apartheid in South Africa By: Evan E

Many Prime Ministers of South Africa did not help the fact that it was segregated, they only made matters worse. They made matters worse by creating laws that would separate the black and white africans in South Africa. The laws that were passed were known as the Apartheid laws. In 1913, the Land Act was passed so that black africans had to live in reserves and they couldn't be sharecroppers. This is where the segregation in Africa began. And for over 50 more years, it would only get worse.

Nelson Mandela, a big part in stopping apartheid.

4.5 million white Africans and 19 million blacks inhabited South Africa, although whites took up 87% of land and blacks took up 13%. This really shows how one-sided the segregation laws were in Africa. It also shows how little living space black Africans were given and that the white Africans were considered "1st class". In 1948, the National Party, which was consisted of an all white government, began to make more segregation laws, which was where the apartheid began to take off. In the next years, the laws would become to be very strict and hard to follow for black Africans. If some people under apartheid stepped up and created a voice for the people who thought apartheid should be stopped, this problem could have been stopped earlier.

In 1950, The Population Registration Act had Africans split into 3 kinds of races. Bantu was all black Africans, colored Africans and white Africans (colored is mixed race). All the apartheid laws that were created made Africa a corrupt government, meaning that a lot of controversy was created because of these laws. Some Africans that were under these laws felt that they were being treated poorly, and they wanted a change. The change that they were looking for was about to become a reality.

Nelson Mandela and F.W de Klerk were very big roles in stopping apartheid in South Africa. In September of 1989, F.W de Klerk was elected as the State President, and released Nelson Mandela from jail right away because he knew he had a big voice in the end of apartheid. Both of these men were prime ministers, and they eliminated many of these apartheid laws, which made many South Africans ecstatic because the unfair laws were finally gone. Because of these acts, they both won a Nobel Peace Prize. Nelson and F.W both had an opinion about what was going on, and they felt the need to stop the laws as soon as they could. They succeeded in what they believed in.

Although apartheid has already been stopped, the government should learn from their mistakes and not separated the people of Africa due to race. Other countries should also learn from their mistakes and not make those rules. I think apartheid could've been stopped earlier if the people under these laws could've stood up for what they believed in by boycotting, or peaceful protesting. If I was there while apartheid laws were present, I would've made sure to boycott and protest about the unfair laws that were being created, and others would join with me. More of these actions may have caused the government to rethink what they were doing, and wipe the slate clean. If Southern Africans did this earlier, the apartheid laws might've not created a corrupt government.

Works Cited

Encyclopaedia Britannica. “Apartheid.” Britannica, Encyclopaedia Britannica, 12 Dec. 2016, www.britannica.com/topic/apartheid. Accessed 7 Mar. 2017.

“F.W de Klerk- Biographical.” Nobelprize.org, Nobel Media, 2014, www.nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/peace/laureates/1993/klerk-bio.html. Accessed 8 Mar. 2017.

History.com Staff. “Apartheid.” History.com, A&E Networks, 2010, www.history.com/topics/apartheid. Accessed 3 Mar. 2017.

“The History Of Apartheid In South Africa.” cs-students.stanford.edu, www-cs-students.stanford.edu/~cale/cs201/apartheid.hist.html. Accessed 7 Mar. 2017.


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