George Washington

They saw him as an ​​ honest, intelligent, and steady leader. He was a hero of the Revolu- ​ tion and was known for his ability to motivate and administer the ​ army.

Washingtons cabinet always kept him informed of political matters and debated to one another.

The Judiciary act created 3 levels of federal court and defined their relation ship to the states court.

In the French Revolution Washington made a big statement that a lot of people didn't agree with. "The duty and interest of the United States ​require that they should with sincerity and good faith adopt and pursue a conduct friendly and ​impartial [unbiased] towards the belligerent ​faith adopt and pursue a conduct friendly and ​impartial [unbiased] towards the belligerent ​

The whiskey rebellion was when citizens were outraged because there was a tax over whiskey. George Washington refused to be a passive spectator so he led an army to stop the rebellion. When he came most of the rebels fled and the rebellion was over.

The neutral proclamation says the United States would not side with any European countries staying neutral.

Washington did not want another war with the British so he sent Chef Justice John Jay and both signed Jay's Treaty. Later Spain signed PIckney's Treaty settling disputes over land.

With his farewell he mentioned the greatest dangers were Political Conflicts and foreign ties.

John Adams

He was in the federalist party and was not liked in the South or West.

He and other federalist disagreed with republicans about feeling sorry for the french.

Going into the election he went against Jefferson. Jefferson won with Burr but both tied. So the 12th amendment would give the election to the House Of Representatives to have a secondary to finally name Thomas Jefferson President and Burr VP.

In March Of 1798 John Adams had informed congress that the peace-seeking mission failed. He replaced x, y, z in the french terms for the agents names. Then the XYZ affair happened and the french started to demand a bribe.

Adams though ahead and added 16 federalist judgeship's.

Thomas Jefferson

Jefferson's Main Goal As President Was To Create A Government With Limited Powers.

In the election of 1800 Jefferson and Burr both tied in popular votes. So thus the 12ths amendment happened when the candidate with the most electoral votes wins. Jefferson won but in the amendment it says the runner up will be the Vice President.

In Marbury Vs Madison, William Marbury demanded documents that he was supposed to get before adams left the office. But the secretary James Madison refuses. So Marbury goes to court asking them to make Madison give the documents because they can do that. But the court also see's they can refuse to look at the case so they refuse to listen. That whole entire time Jefferson was on Marbury's side and nothing really happened.

The whole purpose of the Lewis and Clark Expedition was to explore the Louisiana Purchase.

In late 1807 congress passed the Embargo Act. This act essentially banned all trades. This act lowered Jefferson's popularity.

Louisiana Purchase

This was the size of the Louisiana Purchase.

New Orleans and the Mississippi River was important for farmers because that is where a lot of trade happened with Native Americans.

Napoleon's idea for Louisiana was to rebuild France's empire in North America. His plans ultimately failed and was defeated.

The reasons why Napoleon gave Louisiana to America was because, 1. He needed money for military supplies. 2. He wanted to get America big to give the British a Challenge. The deal was 15 Million for the land.

Pros:Bigger Land, Napoleon won't try to take over America. Cons:Lost 15 Million, will be more of a threat to other countries.

James Madison

July 1812

The battle happens in the border of Canada and although being outnumbered the British are defeated.

September 1813

Captain Berry beats the british in the battle of Lake Erie

August & December 1814

The Battle of Plattsburgh on Lake Champlain is a major American victory because it secured our northern borders. The Battle of Baltimore takes place at Fort McHenry. The British retreated.

The Treaty Of Ghent (December 24, 1814)

The Treaty Of Ghent was signed in Belgium on December 24 1814 and ended the war.

The Effects Of The War

The effects had some pros and cons. The americans felt more patriotic defeating the "All Mighty British." This battle also broke many native american powers.

James Monroe

James Monroe sent out troops to capture Florida. General Andrew Jackson led the army. When he went he captured the Seminole Indian raiders and took over Spain's main military posts. Spain felt threatened so made the Adam-Onis treaty. The gave all of east Florida and 5 Million Dollars for Texas territory.

Mexico soon declared independence from Spain. Monroe soon got worried that European countries would try to take over the newly open latin land and Russia might try to get the north-eastern land. So Monroe and Samuel Adams made a document named Monroe Doctrine that is warning European powers not to interfere with the Americas.

Henry Clay was strongly with the American System which stated to be economically self-sufficient. He agreed and wanted the money from protective tariffs. He wanted to build new roads and canals. These improvements would unite the country a lot because it would make trading across the country easier. The Erie Canal was a canal that ran from albany to Buffalo, NY. The Erie Canal ​allowed goods and people to move between ​towns on Lake Erie and New York City and ​the East Coast. Its success served as an ​incentive for a canal-building boom across ​​the country.

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