Good Life Nature Activity at FLMNH Ali Victorio

Nature on Display

My favorite exhibit around the museum would be the Fossil exhibit. The fossil features the fossils of animals during the Miocene Epoch. The exhibit in itself is unique because it focuses on specimens found in the Florida area. The exhibit allowed me to see different archeological wonders, and its relevance in our lives. By viewing these exhibits, individuals can travel back in time to gain valuable insight about previous human settlements and the environment they interacted with.

Through this exhibits, or in archeology in general, scientists have unearthed and pieced together the past. This allows us to study information way beyond the scope of a textbook.

Nature and Ethics

When I visited the museum, I didn't expect it to have a live butterfly exhibit. This was something unique to me, for I have never visited one outside a zoo before. As I entered the exhibit, I was happy that I was interacting with nature one on one. I was able to touch the butterflies, and they were free to fly to me. This allowed me to momentarily become part of the butterfly ecosystem, and interact with them.

Since many people live in urbanized areas, most don’t see animals beyond the scope of a television. Personally, I don’t see much animals, and I continue to be unaware of their different types. When I visited the museum, I gained a greater depth in my understanding of wildlife and biodiversity. This gave me a glimpse of how essential it is to save endangered species, and to restore and repair ecosystems. Being able to study them through the museum makes a huge difference in the efforts to collectively ameliorate the present substandard conditions of wildlife.

Nature and the Human Spirit

Museums are centers of cultural diversity and awareness. They are melting pots of tradition and culture; thus, housing the cultural wealth of a nation. Museums, in modern times, have become harbingers of change – urging people to bring about action to issues detrimental to the society.

The Natural History Museum allows individuals to experience a very unique interactive experience with the world described in books. The museum shows how man has lived throughout the years, allowing present viewers to catch a glimpse of the past. The museum allowed myself to assimilate within prehistoric Florida.

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