
關於傅希秋 About Bob Fu (Fu Xiqiu)

關於傅希秋 About Bob Fu

1.傅希秋不是一個人權人士,他做人權其實是 做蛇頭,他是披著人權光環的最大蛇頭,我有很多證據故事。我會陸纗與您分享。傅希秋做人權是為了他的巨大蛇頭生意。

Bob Fu is not a human rights activist. The reason he is the human rights activist is that he is using that to be the leader of human trafficking. I have a lot of evidence and stories about this. I will share it with you gradually. Bob Fu does human right for the human trafficking business.

据对华援助协会有拿工资的员工15名,义工40名 China Aid Association has 15 paid employees and 40 volunteers as reported

根据2017年990稅表,傅牧师2017年接受到一百五十万美元的捐款。据报道傅牧师的组织里一共有员工15人,17年工资花费才 16万,每人工资才一万多,旅行报销都7万美元。

According to the 2017 Form 990, pastor Fu received 1.5 million dollars in donations in 2017. It is reported that Fu’s organization has 15 employees, and the salary cost for 2017 years is $160,000 , or more than $10,000 per person, but the travel expenses are claimed for $70,000.

2.傅希秋是假牧師從來沒有牧養過任何教 會,也從來不傳遒,對聖經也不熟悉。百分之 百的假冒為善。他的太太在德州的midland擁有和經營至少兩家非常賺錢的酒莊,哪有真正的 牧師開酒莊的?

Bob Fu is a fake priest who had never been a pastor of any church, nor had he ever taught anything and is not familiar with the bible. 100% hypocrite. His wife owned and operated at least two very profitable wineries in Midland, Texas.

傅希秋名为Bob Fu 国际有限公司下经营的酒庄:比尔的酒庄(Bill’s Bottle Shop)

3.傅希秋非常好色,騷擾過幾位在對華援協助 會工作的青年女義工,其中一位現在在自由亞洲電台做記者。每次傅希秋出差,他太太都安 排随行人員監視,而且交代不要傅希秋單獨住 一個房間。傅希秋對自己長得醜和矮非常自 卑,有一次有一對被他營救的夫囊倆告訴他,每天同時往外拉頭和雙腳會長個子,他就每天 拉頭腳,好幾個月。

Bob Fu is very lecherous and has harassed several young female volunteers who work for CCA, one of whom is now a reporter for Radio Free Asia. Every time Bob Fu was on a business trip, his wife arranged entourage to monitor him, and told them not to let Bob Fu alone in a room. Bob Fu is very self- abasement to his appearance and height. On one occasion, a couple he had rescued told him to pull his head and feet at the same time every day; you will grow taller. He pulled his head and feet every day for several months.

4.傅希秋幫了很多人,大部分人與他鬧翻,包 括陳光誠。但是非常奇怪,這些人離開他以後 都不敢揭露他,不知他用了什麼狠招。只要他 害怕某人揭露他,他就先向美國有關部門舉報 其為中共工作,先發制人毀掉人家的信譽。

Bob Fu helped a lot of people, most people fell out with him, including Chen Guangcheng. But it was very strange that these people did not dare to expose him after they had left him. I don't know what he did. Whenever he was afraid someone would betray him, he would report him to the US authorities for working for the communist party, pre-emptively destroying their credibility.

5.高智晟的太太的耿和曾經在法院申請過對傅 希秋的限制令,這件事大約發生在 2009—2012間,請你們到德州的法庭上去查紀錄,一定會 找到。

Gao Zhisheng's wife Geng He once applied for a restraining order against Bob Fu in the court. This happened between 2009 and 2012. Please go to the court in Texas and check the records, you will find them.

6.有許多和他有過深度接觸的人都說,不要沾 他,沾他一定倒霉。因癌症過世的維權律師李柏光的太太曾告誡幾位朋友,千萬不要和傅希 秋來往,絕對沒有害處。 在救援曹三強牧師的過程中,曹三強的太太也說了同樣的話,而且嚴正給國務院要求,營救曹三強不要他插手。 住在澳大利亞的張鶴慈(張東蘇的兒子)曾給 他的幾位朋友講,傅希秋曾經在中共那裡出賣 過他,千萬不要和他來往。你們可以設法有張 鶴慈聯繫上。

Many people who had close contact with him said, do not have anything to do with him; it's unlucky! The wife of Li Baiguang, a human rights lawyer who died of cancer, had warned several friends not to contact Bob Fu. In the process of rescue, Cao Sanqiang priest Cao Sanqiang's wife also said the same thing. And earnest request the State Council, in the rescue of Cao Sanqiang do not want him to intervene. Zhang Heci (Zhang Dongsu's son), who lives in Australia, told several of his friends that Bob Fu had sold him out to the Chinese communist party and should never have anything to do with him. You can try to get in touch with Zhang Heci.

7.傅希秋收費昂貴把各種各樣的人搞到美國, 河南有一個張姓黑老大被中共抓捕, 他在美國 把他打扮成基督教領袖,受到宗教迫害,然後 收了高額費用把黑老大的女兒、女婿和他們的 貝貝一起救到美國。這對夫妻已經和傅希秋鬧 翻,你們應該設法找到這對夫妻#女的姓張。網 上一査就可以査到。時間2012-2016年間。

Bob Fu’s fees are costly, he brought all kinds of people to the United States, there is the communist party arrested a Henan Mr. Zhang, a leader of a gang. He dressed him up as a Christian leader, suffered religious persecution, and then charged high fees to save the head of the gang's daughter, son-in-law, and their Beibei to the United States. The couple has fallen out with Bob Fu; you should try to find the couple, the woman's surname is Zhang, you can find it online. From 2012 to 2016.

8.傅希秋膽大包天,經常冒充代表美國處理各 種事情,這是刑事犯罪,有幾次要暴露的時候,他馬上编造理由停止行動,讓合作者搞不 清頭腦。在這方面我有大料,因為涉及刑事犯罪,所以我比較慎重處理信息。

Bob Fu is bold, often pretend to represent the United States to deal with a variety of things. This is a criminal offence; there are a few times when he was exposed, he immediately fabricated reasons to stop the action by letting the collaborators confused. In this respect, I have a lot of information because of the criminal involved, so I am more careful about processing the information.

9.袁健斌给很多朋友說過傅希秋幫助他和女兒 回美國的事,他至少给了傅希秋10萬美元,傅希秋給困在上海的袁健斌打電話說他連夜給希拉里打電話,希拉里親自介入營救,當時傅希 秋的助理而且是營救袁健斌的具體經辦人是住在華盛頓郊區的吳朝陽,運圈裡很多人知道這 件事,因為袁健斌到處講

Yuan Jianbin told many friends that Bob Fu had helped him and his daughter return to the United States and that he had given him at least $100,000. Bob Fu called Yuan Jianbin, who was trapped in Shanghai, and said he called Hillary overnight, and she will intervene to rescue him. Bob Fu’s assistant at the time and the person responsible for the rescue of Yuan Jianbin, who lived in suburban Washington, Wu Chaoyang. In the democratic movement circle, a lot of people know about it, because Yuan Jianbin talked about it everywhere.

10.他把他的家人和親戚幾十口人都弄到美國, 在Midland及周圍有他們家族10棟左右的豪宅.

He has brought dozens of his family and relatives to the United States, where his family owns about ten luxury houses in and around Midland.

傅希秋全家照 Bob Fu’s Family photo
傅希秋的亲属及地址 Bob Fu’s Relatives and Address

11.中共官員和外交官經常造訪他Midland的 家。

Communist party officials and diplomats frequently visit his Midland home.

1994 年傅希秋北京市委党校工作证Bob Fu's employee card of Beijing Municipal CCPS (China Communist Party School) in 1994


Bob Fu, who was jailed after Tiananmen Square massacre in 1989, became a teacher at a CCP’s party school in 1994. It casts doubt on the veracity of the arrest after Tiananmen Square massacre and whether it was a lie invented to gain American political asylum.

12. 傅希秋的职业 Bob Fu’s Professional

2020年1月6日,请所有的美国政府官员看一看,所谓美国公民在美国搞非法政治庇护,威胁诈骗。利用美国FBI,彭斯副总统,国务卿蓬佩奥以及其他美国政府官员,打着他们名声做假政治庇护生意的假牧师,傅希秋是什么东西!还说与FBI联邦执法特工见了面。根据他的推文,从他去说去见FBI特工时间为1:16am,到他报告会见结果,时间为5:24am, 4个小时都在Midland!这个假牧师还在继续编造谎言,欺骗威胁!

6th January, 2020 All US government officials ,please take a look. This so-called US citizen engaged in illegal political asylum , threat and fraud in the US. Using the FBI, Vice President Pence , Secretary of State Pompeo, and other US officials to engage fake asylum business under their names. What a garbage is Bob Fu! He also said that he met with FBI law enforcement agents !According to his tweets, he was in Midland for 4 hours from the time he said he would meet FBI agents to the time he reported the result of the meeting. This fake paster continues to lie, deceive and threaten!

傅希秋推文 Bob Fu Tweets :

Brothers and sisters, we act with unfeigned faith and a clear conscience with confidence. The sharp weapon of our war is the pray before the throne of the Lord. I have nothing to do with Liar Guo, never speak on the phone with him, never take him a cent, also have anything to do with his claim’s on Guo Baosheng lawsuit. Liar Guo has no hope of political asylum in the United States and is trying to negotiate with his Chinese master. Tomorrow the FBI will be notified by special personnel. Please don't worry! Credibility and character cannot be bought with dirty money!
On my way to see the FBI. Federal government to interveners as the threat from Liar Guo!
Brothers and sisters, friends, pray patiently. Do not repay evil with evil. All we say we do is out of love and righteousness with god, so that there may still be time for liar Guo to repent to god and stop doing evil. Government is also a servant of god. Because of the sensitivity of the case, I can't tell you what I talked to FBI agents about today’s meeting and where and when we're going to do next. But just as evils to stigmatise pastor Wang Yi and the church of god, the arm of god's righteousness will be revealed!
I sincerely advise those workers of liar Guo who used to help liar Guo and now still continue to take liar Guo’s dirty money , quickly wake up to leave this evil and return the dirty money, stop be an accomplice. Work hard with your hands and think hard about how you can use your talents to specifically help those persecuted by the CCP and other victims of xi jinping's regime. I am frank and transparent with my faith and personality with love to send a warning in advance!
Should we go first to the office of the Secretary of Homeland Security or to the White House? The state department got it already!
Thank you 🙏 . The devil wants too much of our energy. We are not fooled. God has judgment, and we are American citizens with law enforcement investigating and protecting us 24 hours a day. Today, FBI counterintelligence agents specifically told me to continue to work for human rights and religious freedom in China as always!
(Philippians) 4:4 Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice. (This is what the apostle Paul wrote to his church brothers and sisters from prison). Check the time now. It's 9:00 a.m. America central time. The FBI office is not far from our office. The grace of the Lord is sufficient.
(Philippians) 4:4 Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice. (This is what the apostle Paul wrote to his church brothers and sisters from prison). Check the time now. It's 9:00 a.m. America central time. The FBI office is not far from our office. The grace of the Lord is sufficient.