Drama drama is characters in conflict that are at the heart of drama just as they are in fiction. drama is meant to be performed for an audience rather than read.

what are the sub-genres? Drama has 2 sub-genres: comedy and drama

who are the most famous/well know writers of your genre? William Shakespeare, Henrik Ibsen, Arthur Miller.

what are some of the most famous /well known books of this genre? Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet, A midsummer Night's Dream, The Crucible.
what is the style of writing/literature in this genre? The plot is carried by dialogue and action.
what are some of the major themes that can be expressed in your genre? Matrimony , love , friendship, and affection.
How is your genre different than other genres? Because is more like sad stories and sometimes it has comedy. Also is writing in dialogue.
what makes your genre enjoyable? why would people like it? Drama makes things more interesting, because of this, people want to read more of the story and watch more of the movies that are of this genre.
What are the best strategies for reading this genre? To help yourself visualize drama you need to consider not only the dialogue but also the stage directions

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