Chapter 3 by Mitchell Ross

Part 1: Xtreme Xmas

The following images were taken the weekend of the Los Gatos Holiday Parade. Both of my brothers were in it, the youngest for his Adventure Guides group. The other is in the RJF marching band, however I didn't snap any good photos of him. The rest of the photos were taken during our family trip to the tree farm.

My favorite image from the day.

Part 2: Harry Callahan

For this section, we were challenged to recreate a photograph by a famous photographer. I was most inspired by the works of Harry Callahan, especially his photos that involved multiple exposures, shown below.

Recreating the art of Harry Callahan is not a simple task, especially considering that my camera does not have a multiple exposure option. I thought I could recreate a similar effect with a long exposure time. The image shown below is the one I chose by Harry Callahan that I thought I could recreate.

My original idea of a long exposure had the outcome of a almost completely white image, even with the lowest possible depth of field. I then decided to take five separate photos in the varying arm positions and mix them into one image in photoshop. At first I thought making all the images transparent would work, but the arms ended up having varying visibilities. My final solution was to erase areas on each of the layers to make room for the other arms. The final product is shown below.


Part 3: Passion Project Preview

When I think of my passion, I think of music. Inspired by my 'Voice-box' photo, I decided to to photograph the various musical items I have around my home. So far I have this on of the bass guitar. I'm not much of a bass player, I took lessons years ago and forgot it all, but I recently decided to pick it back up again. The below photo was taken on my kitchen table with a big black light and a spotlight. I created the background beyond the table from a single chair that took up only a portion of the leftover area, using the healing brush tool. In the future, I'm going to darken all the brown areas.


Harry Callahan, Mitchell Ross

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