Florida Museum of Natural History Cory Harrington

When I walked into this section, it immediately brought back memories of my parents taking me to nature trails down in South Florida. It was nice seeing this anhinga drying its wings, and thankfully the mangroves here were not quite as smelly as the real ones. One of the biggest threats to these types of ecosystems is, of course, humans. I hope we can preserve this type of wildlife sanctuary for future generations to witness firsthand.
The dark hallway with rows of giant shark jaws was definitely a highlight of the Museum. I would not want to be near something with teeth like that in real life though.
I had seen this skeleton in pictures before and I was not sure how the scale would translate in real life. I had to stand pretty far forward to get most of it in frame. Animals this large definitely made me think about just how small and fragile I was in comparison.
I didn't see very many butterflies in the butterfly exhibit but there were a whole bunch on the roof so I opted for this picture instead. Inspiration for a lower back tattoo maybe?
This picture took me way too many tries and I am still not too happy with the result. On the other hand, the Natural History Museum did make me step out of my busy day to day life and realize that there's a whole other world going on outside of my little bubble. Humans are only a fraction of everything happening and living in our world, and too few people take the time to realize and appreciate that.

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