Cisco The Donkey ...and all his troubles

This is Cisco. He is a smart donkey who lives on a farm with his family the cows.

Cisco was a good Donkey but he could not seem to make Donkey sounds.

You see the cows raised Cisco as a baby when his mother escaped the farm.

The cows told Cisco he was a cow like them. When other animals came to visit the farm, he would greet them kindly and say...


The other animals were confused. They would ask,

Why don't you say he hon, Cisco?

But all Cisco could say was

One day, Cisco's friend Ruben said, Cisco, oink....why can't you just be a donkey. Cisco said......
Then Cisco's very lazy friend Dingo asked,
Cisco, can,t you just say,
Heeeee honnnnn?

Said Cisco

Meanwhile, Cisco's mom, a cow named Diva, was getting very sad for her son. She did not want him to feel different.

The animals would tell Cisco to act like a donkey.

Until one day, Diva and all of Cisco's Brothers and sisters gathered the animals around. They told all of the animals the same thing.

Heeeeee honnnnnn!!!

And from that day on, The animals learned that it didn't matter what sound you made.

The only thing that mattered was that they were all animals living on the same farm and they were friends.


Created with images by Chris_Parfitt - "Wild Donkey" • Spider.Dog - "Donkey" • Marco Bellucci - "Feed the prisoner" • Skitterphoto - "livestock cow cattle" • steve p2008 - "cow" • CallyL - "donkeys cow farm" • kagawa_ymg - "こぶた" • tpsdave - "donkey fence nature" • lightstargod - "dog model french bulldog" • nan palmero - "Cows & Donkeys" • jennisweat - "IMG_0023" • BenjaminNelan - "hen farmyard farm" • congerdesign - "goats kid young goats" • nan palmero - "Cow at the Ranch" • Me in ME - "Farm"

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