Cool Coons A little more about the mysterious creature


Raccoons get a bad rep for what they do. There is more to them than the average person knows. You will soon find out while reading this article, that raccoons have a lot to offer. They are a pretty big deal, they can even grow to 9 to 12 inches in length.

Cute Coon

The Lifestyle of a Raccoon

This short video explains some of things that are cool about raccoons we don't notice. Most people think raccoons are garbage animals. This is sure to change your mind about raccoons.

This is Mr. Raccoon, enjoying his daily stroll on top of an alligator.

Click this button to learn more about raccoons. This article tells you a little bit more about how raccoons live. It also shows you where they live, and what habitat it is. You'll learn most of what you need to know about raccoons through this link

This raccoon family is using teamwork to find their warm home. Looks like raccoons do care!

Some very friendly Raccoons

Raccoons are a mysterious species of creatures. They are often misunderstood for evil animals, but that isn't the real truth. The truth is that Raccoons are interesting creatures that can put on quite a show as you may have seen throughout this article. I hope that you have realized that Raccoons are more captivating than the majority of people think.


Created with images by NGi - "raccoon zoo animal"

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