Future Classroom Scenarios Bartolomeo Corbo

Hi, I'm Bartolomeo Corbo and I live in Caserta, a town in the South of Italy, a few Kilometers from Naples. Caserta is a small town with just under one hundred thousand inhabitants. There is a wonderful Royal Palace. On the hill there is the ancient Caserta, a medieval village.

Below you can see a video made by students of a Lyceum of Caserta. Some of them are my friends.

Caserta is in Campania, near Naples.

Who I am?

I am a teacher of Italian, History and Geography in the Secondary School.

My passions are history and local traditions and art in its various forms. I like to write stories and sometimes I organize cultural events such as festivals, concerts, conferences.

with some musicians

My school?

My school is the Comprehensive School "Vanvitelli" of Caserta. The school consists of Primary and Secondary School and is attended by about 700 students and the teachers are about 60. I teach in this Secondary School and my students are 11-13 years. Here there are about 380 students and 40 teachers. I'm the assistant of the headteacher.

Our website is: www.vanvitellicaserta.gov.it

My blog is: http://profcorbo.worpress.com

"Vanvitelli" institute

My school takes part in Erasmus+ and eTwinning projects: in November 2015 I and some my colleagues have been a week in Dublin for a structured course. Some others have been in March 2016. In September 2016 I have been in Budapest for a Contact Seminar of eTwinning. In this school year I'm involved in two eTwinning project.

On the right with my colleagues in Dublin - On the left the eTwinning Italian delegation in Budapest
Created By
Bartolomeo Corbo

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