The High Cost Of Burnout In Public Transit Presented By Red Kite Project - The industry's leading voice on employee engagement, violence prevention, and wellness.

-The Transportation Industry is losing over 1 billion dollars a year to unplanned absenteeism alone.

-Burnout issues cost authorities over $5,500 per employee per year, on average.

Turnover, Absenteeism, and FMLA usage are skyrocketing in the industry causing tremendous scheduling/cost issues. There are solutions.

-Bus operators are the highest represented profession for heart attack patients under the age of 40.

-Preventing just 4 hospital stays can save your organization over $100,000.

-Research from Harvard, Gallup, and the American Preventative Medicine Association, has shown that for every $1 invested in wellness programs, companies get $5.93 Return On Investment.

-Research in transit has shown that by reducing transit operator stress/improving wellbeing you can dramatically lower accidents and negligent performance.

Red Kite Project has shared education and strategy development to stop burnout in transit authorities in Metro Magazine, Mass Transit Magazine, APTA, With the LEAD initiative for upcoming transit GM's, and with the FTA/DOT.

If you are interested in getting this information via live presentation or webinar, please contact Zach Stone at 267-401-4074 or

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