Portuguese language By fErnando campos

Capital City of Portugal

Lisbon is the capital city of Portugal

Longest River in Portugal

The longest river in Portugal is Tagus with 645 miles.

The tallest mountain in Portugal

The tallest with 7713 is Mount Pico

All mountain range

This is. Serra de Estrela
This Is Serra de Monchique
This is Sintra Mountains

Oceans nearby Portugal

Atlantic Ocean

Total population in Portugal

The total population in Portugal is 10.46 million people in Portugal

The Biggest lake in Portugal.

This is the biggest lake in Portugal called the Grande Lago

The most active vacano in Portugal

Mount Pico is the most active vacano in Portugal

The geographic Coordinates is 39.3999 N, 8. 2245 W

What region is Portugal in

It's in the European Union

What is the climate in Portugal like.

It is sunny warm temperature.

What kind of Natural diesaster are in Portugal

There are wildfires in Portugal

Economic worth in Portugal

Portugal is worth for 192.92

Life expectancy in Portugal

More females


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