OA High Adventure What it can do for you

What is OAHA?

The premier outdoor experience in Scouting

Trail building, whitewater rafting, ziplining and so much more

Summit Bechtel Reserve, ages 14-17, 7 days, $250

Trail building, hiking and all the activities that Philmont has to offer

Philmont Scout Ranch, ages 16-20, 2 weeks, $300

Portage building, canoeing, world class fishing and so much more

Northern Tier, ages 16-20, 2 weeks, $200

Portage building, canoeing, wilderness exploration and so much more

Northern Tier, ages 16-20, 2 weeks, $200

Island maintenance, sailing, snorkeling and so much

Florida Sea Base, ages 16-20, 6 days, $500


An effective retention tool, Provides a more cost effective way to attend High Adventure, Allows Scouts to network with people from around the country

Created By
Matthias Leier

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