Rochor: A TRIP down memory lane

"It takes an endless amount of history to make even a little tradition."

This photo essay is a reflection of the Rochor area's deep tradition. (Pun Intended)

An aerial shot of the bustling street in front of the Kwan Im Temple. is a traditional Chinese temple situated at 178 Waterloo Street in Singapore. The temple is of significance to the Chinese in Singapore, and is believed to bring worshippers good luck after praying to the Kuan Yin (观音), the bodhisattva associated with compassion.

A photogenic woman in front of a photogenic wall

Tourists frequent the area to experience the deep heritage and culture of the Rochor area.

Old woman collects cardboard for a living.

Spiraling into memories

The Rochor area is a melting pot of the new and old, with a balance of tradition and progression.

Notable mention to the bird in Rochor Centre (p.s. we spent 15min for this)

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