waybacks by Moxi roller skates

WAYBACKS come with a traditional roller skate key and are adjustable up to 3 sizes. They come in 5 sizes covering all childrens-adults in sizes 1(10,11,12) 2 (13,1,2,3) 3 (4,5,6) 4 (7,8,9) 5 (10,11,12)

What is unique about them is that you can fasten any street shoe into the adjustable plate and for the first time ever, the vintage metal model will be equipped with polyurethane wheels and NO bearings needed.

PLATE: metal/steel plate with a heel lift

STRAPS: leather, tied high w/ glued in stiffeners for some ankle support

WHEELS/wrapped in polyurethane 52 mm/35mm self-containing loose ball bearing

function: Do they actually work?

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